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It's August! Back to school, back to routines...

Happy August, the month that basically feels like January (except much hotter!) as we gear up for fresh starts and new routines.  Some people grab a new planner at the beginning of the year, and others like me associate a new year with August as the kids start a new school year.  So whether you're in the 1st camp or 2nd camp, either way, August feels like a great time to reevaluate, clean out, and refocus.  Summer has pretty much come to an end, and it's time to get back on track with routines that serve you and your family.  

I don't know about you, but this summer felt like it FLEW by!  To recap, the girls had cheer camp, soccer camps, driver's Ed, and a week of overnight camp at Pine Cove, not to mention summer workouts, a few cheer practices, as well as soccer and cross country practices.  I attended my BODi summit in San Antonio, which was a highlight of my summer, getting away for the weekend with teammates and friends.  We also had our annual friend's summer trip and took it to the Frio River this year.  And lastly, we flew to Big Sky Montana for a little work/vacation as I attended a conference, but we also had lots of free time to hike, see Yellowstone again, and spend time with family who lives in Montana.  Overall, it was a busy, but fun summer, and I am reminded that our summers are limited with our girls as they head into their 8th grade and 10th grade years.  Where did the time go?!?  

August not only kicks off a new school year with ALL the sports and activities, but fall race season for me as I gear up to train for my 17th half marathon, followed by my 7th marathon to celebrate my 45th birthday next year.  Not in my wildest dreams would I think I would still be doing this 10+ years after running my 1st half marathon as a mother runner with 2 young girls in 2013, but here we are!  One thing that my running and fitness journey has taught me is that if I had only focused on RESULTS these last 10+ years, I would have quit running when I started getting slower and no longer able to come close to my PR's.  I would have quit working out when I started to gain weight in my 40's despite eating healthy, strength training, and running up to 100 miles a month.  And if I was only focused on success, I wouldn't keep trying and failing in so many areas of my life as I continue to chase big goals and dreams.  

When we are only focused on RESULTS such as the number on the scale, getting faster and hitting PR's, and other measures of progress or success, we tend to quit when it doesn't seem to be working.  But when we focus on building the habits and falling in love with the journey, we just KEEP GOING.  Because even if you achieve your goal, you have to keep doing the things that got you there.. so you might as well find a way to enjoy it, right?  

Over the years, I have learned to just focus on the HABITS, learning and growing. 

I focus on being a strong, fit, healthy (and happy!) mom, not a skinny one. 

I focus on doing hard things that eventually become easier things.  

I focus on building habits that are sustainable for LIFE... because Fitness is not a destination, but a way of life!  

SO.... what's coming in August and how can I help?  

In my Fill up to Spill out virtual gym community, we are focusing on 3 for 30!  As our kids get ready to return to school and all the sports and activities and busyness returns, I am helping my community get back on track with their health and fitness by focusing on 3 things. 

1. Creating your rockstar early morning routine that focuses on movement, mindset, and your 1st meal of the day.

2. Sunday meal prep and making simple healthy meals for you and your family 

3. Prioritizing your workouts 5 days a week with the brand new (and fun!) Sure Thing Super Block program.  

The group officially kicks off on August 5.... but you can join us anytime that is right for you!  

I am also excited to officially announce that my podcast is launching August 16 with 3 new episodes to get this party started!  The Fill up to Spill out podcast has been a dream of mine for a couple of years now, and I have finally decided to take the leap into the podcasting world and start sharing in a brand new way.  My plan is to release a new episode every Friday that focuses on running, fitness, and filling your cup.  I'm nervous and excited... and I hope you'll take a listen!  

Reach out to me on IG @filluptospillout or send me an email at if you are interested in chatting about my August group or have questions or comments about anything!  

I hope you all have an amazing August!  

Until next time,



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