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My podcast has launched... and some fall training updates!

 Welcome back!  It's been an exciting week as my oldest daughter turned 15 and got her driver's permit, my girls went back to school and their activities have started.... and my podcast officially launched out into the world on Friday!  

It's been a dream of mine the last couple of years to start my own podcast as I have listened to an embarrassing amount of hours of podcasts on my runs, drives, and while doing my household chores.  I absolutely love podcasts as a way to learn, grow, get new ideas, and just be entertained as I do things that can sometimes feel monotonous.  And I hope my podcast will do the same for my listeners!  If you haven't checked it out yet, here's the link!

Tomorrow kicks off official 1/2 marathon training for me as I start preparing for my 17th half marathon, one I have run several times, the Rock n Roll San Antonio 1/2.  I hope to beat my time last year and have a strong race, as I'm doing a few things differently this training cycle.  

1. I hired a run coach!  Actually 2, as they run their group race coaching together, so this will be my 1st time to actually train with a real plan and guidance instead of winging it on my own. 

2. I’m joining a nutrition focused accountability group for a month to really dial in on my nutrition for this training cycle and improve my gut health after a summer of more indulging.  I've done this "Gut Protocol" program a few times (the first time very seriously), and I know it works.  I just need to make this my lifestyle, with the rare wine/alcohol or treat.  As we get older, our bodies just don't do well with gluten, dairy, processed foods, and alcohol.  I look forward to doing this with a group and getting back on track as I start training for my upcoming race, so I can feel better and run faster.  

 3. I’m going into this training cycle stronger than ever (and also injury-free) as I have been very disciplined with strength training this year after my last marathon, where I trained somewhat injured with knee problems.  This year, I completed most of the Dig Deeper Program as well as 80 day obsession, 2 of our hardest programs, so I am definitely feeling strong as I start focusing more on running.  I will continue to strength train at least 3 days a week, currently finishing the Sure Thing Super Block that I am LOVING, followed by a more Hybrid strength training schedule.  

As a busy over 40 mom, I keep reminding myself that running isn't something I have to do, but a passion hobby I GET to do, and chasing running and fitness goals continues to bring me so much joy, and I just love it and feel so blessed that I can still do it.  

My August Fill up to Spill out, FIT MOMS accountability group continues to focus on 3 for 30... Morning routine, meal prep/simple healthy meals, and working out 5 days a week.  I plan on continuing this focus into September as life continues to get busier in the fall months, and it helps to have a rockstar morning routine, to meal prep for the week, and to have a plan for fitness to stay on track and end the year strong.  

For those that might be interested, we have a brand new HORMONE health program coming out in December called Belle Vitale by Autumn Calabrese, focused on nutrition that fuels and heals, movement for women's bodies, stress reduction, and supplements that support hormone health.  I'm excited to learn more about this program, but from what I've seen in the tests groups, women are feeling amazing and getting great results when it comes to weight loss.  


Oatmeal with frozen berries, a drizzle of honey, and a sprinkle of Tru Trail cinnamon pecan granola

To the Gorge: Running, grief, and resilience and 460 miles on the Pacific book

Baleaf 8" Biker shorts with pockets from Amazon

I hope you are all doing well!  Reach out if you'd like to join my FIT MOMS group, if you have any interest in GUT HEALTH or HORMONE HEALTH or any of the things I've shared!  I'd love to help you on your health and fitness journey!  

Until next time,

~ Allison


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