Happy New Year friends! We have finally made it to 2021 after walking through a year that was filled with enormous disappointment, loss, stress, and overwhelm.
I feel like 2020 was bittersweet. It was hard, but good. It was sad, but also filled with joy. It was not what we planned for, but also filled with unexpected gains and valuable lessons. It's a year I will never forget.
Are you a goal-setter, do you like beginning of the year resolutions, or do you prefer to pick a power word for the year?
2020 was the first time I have picked a word for the year, and I think it definitely set the tone for the year like no other. I chose COURAGE as my word, and I couldn't have chosen anything better. In 2020, I showed up with courage over fear again and again as I worked as a nurse practitioner during a global pandemic, pursued my dream as a writer and 2-time author, increased my presence on social media to spread joy and encouragement in a really tough season, and I had courage as my 1st mammogram came back abnormal, requiring a biopsy, waiting, and then follow-ups (thankfully all normal). Choosing the word COURAGE for 2020 helped me to show up with positivity, kindness, and hope during a season when I saw very little from others. When I didn't see the good, I chose to be the good. Despite the pandemic and all of its associated stress, I managed to complete all of my goals for the year because I bravely chose to keep going.
For 2021, I am choosing the word FLOURISH.
The definition of flourish is to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way; to thrive. Synonyms include grow, thrive, prosper, develop, shine, evolve, blossom, take root, be strong, and be well.
My why: 2020 took a toll on my physical health. Despite running my 3rd marathon and running 2 virtual half-marathons in 2020, I ended 2020 in probably the worst shape of my life. 2020 was stressful, and although I often turned to running to cope with stress, I also turned to unhealthy coping strategies. I didn't always eat foods that nourished my body and I definitely drank too much wine (like probably most!). I put so much time and energy into writing and publishing my book, working, doing home projects, and keeping the kids happy that I neglected things like meal prepping, drinking my water, and strength training (something you definitely NEED as you get older and older!). My body has never hurt so much as I approach 41. I have never weighed this much in my life, even while pregnant with each of my girls. I am ready to focus on my physical health again! I want to be consistent with daily habits and routines that make me physically stronger. I want to feel better at my ideal weight, have more energy, hurt less, and feel more confident in my own skin.
Therefore, I choose to FLOURISH in regards to my physical health in 2021. I have no plans to write another book this year, but possibly in 2022. Instead my plan is to focus on my health, develop healthier habits, and thrive in a year that will probably be just as stressful with the ongoing pandemic and political division. In 2021 I will choose to focus on the things that I CAN control like my morning routine, what I fuel my body with, and how I move and strengthen these muscles.
I pray that 2021 is a year for healing, rebuilding, renewing, and strengthening for our country and us all. It's a new year and a fresh start, and I hope that you too will choose to FLOURISH as we move forward. Who's with me?
~ Allison
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