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Let's have a feel GOOD, get FIT summer!

 Happy June, over a week late!  I just realized I never wrote a blog post in May, probably because May was CRAZY with end of the school year stuff and EXTRA CRAZY weather around here.  It was the wettest month EVER in Central Texas with over 15 inches of rain with several storms including hail and a tornado just a few miles from my house.  We are just a few weeks into summer and have been busy with storm clean-up, driver's ed classes for our oldest (eek!), camps, and workouts.  As our kids get older, summers just don't quite feel the same as sports never really stop and there are more and more things on our calendar.  We are looking forward to a couple of getaways coming up later this month and into July, which will hopefully be fun and relaxing, before getting ready for back to school in August.  I know this summer will fly by, but we are planning on making the most out of it.

When it comes to my health and fitness, I am focusing on having a feel GOOD, get FIT summer.  I am a few weeks into the 80 day obsession workout program with my favorite trainer (an oldie, but goodie that I have never done) and can already feel myself getting so much stronger in my legs and core, which is good since it's HOT and I want to feel more confident wearing shorts this summer.  When it comes to running, I am currently in a maintenance season, running a few days a week with a 5K coming up in July, and then I'll start training for my next 1/2 marathon in the Fall, adding more running mileage to check off my goal of 1000 miles in 2024.  I plan on signing up to run Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota next June, so some spring marathon training will be on my calendar next year, and we're excited to check off a few more states during that trip (10 more to go!).  

When it comes to feeling good and staying fit in my 40's and beyond, there are 3 things I do every single day and encourage other women to do as well... 

1. Lift weights at least 3 days a week with progressive overload (that means go up in weights!  don't just stick with your 5lb dumbbells!) in addition to running/walking/biking/hiking/swimming and living an active lifestyle.  Learn to love the journey, as fitness is not a destination!  

2. Fuel your body with protein (at every meal), produce (eat the rainbow of fruits and veggies), whole grains (possibly gluten-free if it makes you bloat), and significantly limit highly processed foods and alcohol.  Food is fuel, listen to your body, and eat what makes you feel good!  

3. Make time to take care of YOU!  Prioritize your sleep, start your day earlier with a workout and a morning routine, read more, and invest in your health and your hobbies that you are passionate about.  Fill your own cup!  

I recently created a workbook guide with ALL my best tips for feeling good and getting fit in your 40's and beyond if you want to check it out!  

Things I'm loving right now...

Chobani vanilla greek yogurt with frozen raspberries, a drizzle of honey, and Nu Trail granola for breakfast or a snack.  

It cosmetics Confidence in a cream and hello sunshine skin care products, because skin care over 40 is important!  

EOS 24 hour body lotion and these other products.  

Super Hero Muffins from the Run Fast, Eat Slow cookbook.  I love meal prepping these on Sunday and enjoying them for breakfast or as a snack.  They're gluten-free and filled with fruits and veggies!

Some passion projects I'm working on and looking forward to...

I have starting writing my 3rd book again and hope to have it done in the next year!  It's a book about running, but more about ALL the ways running teaches us about life.  

And... I'm starting a podcast!  Podcasts have kept me company through the throws of life and motherhood since 2019, and I can't wait to start sharing and encouraging with my voice in this way.  I have my microphone and a list of topics to get me started, and I hope to start pushing play in August (or maybe sooner).  Here's the 1st draft of what this might look like!  I hope you'll take a listen when it comes out.  More to come on this next month.... 

If you're wanting to have a feel GOOD, get FIT summer and you aren't sure where to start... I hope you'll join me in my virtual gym community where I'll help you pick a home fitness program that is right for you in YOUR season and offer support and encouragement when it comes to simple nutrition, motivation, and accountability.  Reach out in my DM's over filluptospillout on IG or send my an email at for more info!!

 Success doesn't start in the gym.  It starts in your mind.  

Until next time,




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