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Put yourself in the ROOM with others who have what you want!

 Happy July and the last 6 months of 2024!  Can you believe this year is already halfway over?  Crazy, huh?  Whether you're crushing your goals or feeling a little behind, know that there is still time to keep working and end the year STRONG!  6 months is plenty of time to commit to a fitness program and build muscle, change your body composition, lose weight, start building healthy habits when it comes to nutrition, train for a winter race, or start prioritizing those big dreams and goals you are still thinking about (they're there for a reason!).  I don't know about you... but I'm not giving up on my list of goals for the year!  Because I am worth the work... and so are YOU!

Over a week ago, I attended our annual BODi Summit in San Antonio, Texas for the 2nd year in a row and was reminded of the importance of putting yourself in the room with others who have what you want.  People who are also goal-oriented, ambitious, health-focused, early-morning risers, and crazy runners.  People who are building community and not tearing it down.  Chasing big dreams and not shocked by yours, because they "get you" and simply encourage you to keep going and cheer you on!  

In 2019, I attended a personal growth conference all by myself, not knowing a single person there.  I drove to Dallas, checked into a hotel, and attended a RISE conference, because I couldn't wait to be in the room with the speakers and other women who spoke my language.  I walked in by myself, but never once sat by myself as other women noticed I was alone and invited me to come sit with them.  I loved every single second of it and went home fired up to finish my 1st book that I was writing and working on self-publishing, because I put myself in the ROOM!  

Last year when I attended Summit, I only knew these women from all over the country in our group chats and zooms.  I shared a hotel room with a stranger from the internet (who quickly became a real-life friend) and met up with other teammates for a group run, photos, trainings, workouts, and more.  Most of us arrived as strangers, but all of us left as friends.  I left the conference already signed up for the next year, because it was THAT impactful, and I couldn't wait to do it again. 

This year was a little different in that I didn't have a roommate, which was okay, as it gave me time to work on some passion projects, and I also went into this year's trip al ready knowing several of the returning women on my team.  I didn't feel as nervous meeting new faces as I knew they would be just as amazing as the women I met last year, and they were.  It was a little smaller and more intimate, leaving more time for us to chat over fancy meals, but as usual, our conversations were different than the ones you have with a lot of your family and friends.  We talked business, goals, the enneagram, fears, race training and more.  My crazy goals of wanting to start a podcast and self-publish another book didn't seem outlandish to these ambitious women, but instead they told me I should totally go for it.  And as the weekend came to an end and they announced where next year's Summit would be (hello California!), several of us immediately signed up again, making this event a non-negotiable.  

These 3 conferences I have attended over the years have not only been fun and inspiring, but have been great reminders that when it comes to chasing your goals and dreams, you've got a find a way to GET in the ROOM!  Whether it's a fitness goal, running goal, business goal, or WHATEVER it is that you want to do or achieve, you've got to FIND your TRIBE.  Whether it's a virtual gym community like the one I lead or a running group or attending a conference filled with women like you or whatever gets you in the room with other people doing what you want to do, it is SO important.  You can do it alone, but if you really want to light the fire inside your soul, you need to find community who will do it with you.  

This is why I show up here and on social media and have my virtual gym community where I encourage other busy moms like myself on their health and fitness journeys, and it's why I am starting a podcast and writing another book.  I am PASSIONATE about building community.  I want to create a space where midseason moms chasing running, fitness, and personal growth goals feel supported and seen and understood.  Fill up to spill out IS and forever WILL be my message as I don't think we can pour from an empty cup, but need to constantly be filling our own cups so we can be our BEST selves.  This life is lonely and can be monotonous as we wake up and go to jobs that serve other people and then come home to our families and have cooking, cleaning, and endless laundry and errands.  Life is MORE fun with community.  Life is MORE fulfilling when you are chasing big goals and living a healthy, active, happy, adventure-filled life and doing it with others who lift you up!  

What goals do you have for yourself right now?  Do you want to get strong, fit, run a race with your kids, read more books, start a blog, go on some amazing hikes on your next trip, or travel to all 50 states?  Get in the room with other people chasing big goals and dreams as well!  Find a way to  pursue what lights your heart on fire.  And find YOUR people, even if only virtually.  Believe me, it MAKES a BIG DIFFERENCE.  

And if you're a 40ish or older mom looking for a fitness TRIBE... look no further and join mine this month!  I run a virtual gym community all year long that focuses on health, fitness (running, strength training and more), and filling your cup each day, and I want you in it!  This is YOUR year to put yourself in the room, so if my community is the room you're looking for, find me at filluptospillout on instagram and reach out!  Let's chase those big goals and dreams together!  I'm cheering you on!

Until next time, 



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