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40th Birthday goals!

It's 2020, the beginning of a new decade, and since I was born in 1980, it's literally a new decade for me!  Today I turn 40.  As I prepared for this day and how it might feel and what it might bring, I decided to go big.  And no, I don't mean a big party or extravagent gifts or a trip, but BIG GOALS.  I am a goal-oriented person, I thrive on having goals and dreams and going after them.  I like pushing myself to do hard things, learn and grow in the process, and feel that sense of joy and satisfaction for achieving them.  

Last spring I decided on not just 1 goal for my 40th Birthday, but 2 big goals.  A book-lover myself, I always dreamed of writing a book, not sure if or when it might actually happen.  10 months ago I decided it was time, but really just envisioned a sweet book for my girls, a bit of a memoir to share childhood memories and tell them my story and my journey to becoming the person I am today.  But as I started writing and figuring out how to string words and sentences together (what a learning process it has been!), I heard God telling me to turn this thing into a real book.  He put the stories and chapters into my heart, and I decided to keep at it.  10 months of waking up early (like 4:30am early), writing 1 hour at a time (sometimes more), growing and literally being transformed in the process, I have a book that is 65,000 words and available for purchase on Amazon today.  I am so proud of my work, but even more proud of the courage I had to write it and share it with the world.

My debut book, Transformed: My Story as a Farmer's Daughter with Big Dreams & an Even Bigger God, walks you through my story of personal growth and transformation as I experience life's up and downs. It is during my tough seasons of dealing with anxiety, fear, self-doubt, and failure while pursuing my dreams I discover that God is bigger and better than all of it. Written as a bit of a memoir I share personal stories from my unique childhood in the country, my struggle with anxiety, and all the bumps along the road to becoming a more fulfilled version of myself. I show you how to find purpose and lessons in every season of your life, focusing on what truly matters; how to overcome anxiety, fears, and self-doubt as you pursue goals and dreams; how to be brave, learning and growing through trying and failing all to create a beautiful life of purpose. Offering encouragement and wisdom through my own personal experiences, I both inspire and challenge you to do the work to become the amazing person God made you to be.

Whether this book has little or big impact, reaches 5 or 500 people, I hope it resonates with those who read it, I hope it encourages and challenges you to go on your own personal growth journey, and I hope when you read it, you see Jesus.  

Available on Amazon only, paperback and Kindle ebook.  Go check it out, and if you love it, rate and review it and share it on your social media.  I am the writer, editor, formatter, self-publisher, and promoter of this book, so your support means the world to me!  I have 2 more books in my heart at the moment, and hope to start working on the next one soon!  

As if writing and self-publishing my first book wasn't a big enough goal this year, I decided I also needed to train for my 3rd marathon in honor of turning 40.  I love a good test of endurance, and running a marathon is that perfect test for me.  Next month, I will run the Austin Marathon at the age of 40, my 3rd full marathon, celebrating the wonderful body God has blessed me with.  These legs can still carry me 26.2 miles, these fingers have typed 65,000 words, my tummy carried 2 babies, these boobs provided nutrition for 12 months for each girl, this smile makes me feel happy, these ears have the ability to listen to my patients with empathy, these eyes can see when someone is hurting.... I am so grateful for this wonderful body God gave me.  Running for 5+ hours, feeling every aching ounce of my being is such an empowering feeling knowing I can do it.  We are strong and we are all capable of doing hard things.  More to come next month after my race!  

My last decade in my 30's was all about GROWTH.  There was growth in every single area of my life and I am thankful for it.  This next decade in my 40's will be all about IMPACT.  I have more courage than I have ever had, more faith over fear, more strength over my excuses, and I am full of fire and ready to serve.  My calling has always been to serve, but I am learning that I can do this in lots of different ways, including writing.  I hope you'll continue to follow me on this journey and be inspired to grow, be transformed, and have big courage to do hard things.  We have this one life, this one chance, and I want my time (however long it might be) to be full of purpose!  

Phil 4:13 ~ Allison 


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