My biggest reasons for taking care of my health are these 2 girls right here. Being Mom to my girls is my greatest joy and will ultimately be my greatest accomplishment. I want to be healthy so I can have the energy to keep up with them, so I can be around to see them grow up and one day have children of their own. I want to set a great example of what being healthy means.
Women are natural caregivers. We take care of everyone around us which can include children, our spouse, our pets, people we serve at our job, sometimes parents or other family members, our friends, and our community. We often carry around a mental load that is far greater than anyone else's. We know everyone's schedules, when it's time to buy groceries and other home goods, when to make appointments for others, what daily/weekly/monthly endless chores need to be done around the house to keep things running smoothly, and who needs what, when, where, and why.... That mental load can be heavy, the monotonous tasks can seem daunting, everyone else's needs can suddenly take over our entire life, leaving us feeling drained, and we can forget that in order to care for everyone and everything around us, we have to also take care of ourselves. In flying terms, we need to put our oxygen mask on first before assisting those around us.
Our health needs are important. If we are not taking care of our own health needs, we will find that we have less to give to others. We simply cannot pour from an empty cup.
This includes:
1. Getting proper sleep at night. Create a nightly sleep routine that allows for 6-8 hours of sleep. I realize this is sometimes difficult with a newborn, so give yourself some grace if you have a baby, and just do the best that you can during that short season.
2. Eat regular meals, focusing on nourishing your body. Think protein, vegetables, fruit.
3. Drink lots of water. Most people need at least 64oz of water a day. That's a lot of water!
4. Exercise most days of the week, 30 minutes a day if you can. Our bodies need exercise to stay strong and have energy. We have to make this a priority and carve out this time for ourselves.
5. Take care of your emotional health. This might look like journaling, reading, listening to music, doing a Bible study, praying or meditating, or enjoying a hobby that brings your joy.
6. Schedule your appointments to take care of your health. Get a yearly wellness exam at your doctor's office. Women need a Pap smear every 3-5 years, a mammogram every 1-2 years starting at age 40 (got my 1st one this week!), and other screenings starting at age 50. Keep your immunizations up to date, including a yearly flu shot starting in October. Schedule dental cleanings every 6 months and eye exams if needed. These things are important. Our health matters.
7. Schedule your self-care. Your hair appointments and any other appointments that you consider self-care are just as important in helping you feel your best. Neglecting to get your hair done because you are too busy taking care of everyone else around you leaves you feeling "not your best." So find time to schedule regular hair appointments, get your nails done, get a massage or do anything else that boosts your confidence and therefore allows you to care for others in a more meaningful way.
Be intentional about how you schedule your day and live your life. All of these health tips are completely achievable if you plan for them. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail and these things never get done. Plan to make yourself a priority so you can better serve those around you.
Have a "healthy" week! ~ Allison
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